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副本在英文中通常被称为"copy"。如果你要询问40人的副本英文怎么说,你可以说"copy for 40 people"。

在游戏领域,尤其是多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPGs)中,“40人的副本”通常指的是一种需要40名玩家协作完成的团队任务或挑战,在英语中,这样的游戏内容被称作 "40player raid" 或简称 "raid"。


A 40player raid, commonly referred to as a "40man raid," is a type of content in massively multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGs) that requires the coordination and teamwork of 40 players to successfully complete. These raids typically involve complex challenges, intricate strategies, and often include multiple phases or boss encounters. They are designed for highlevel, wellequipped, and wellcoordinated groups and offer some of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in MMORPGs.

The term "raid," in this context, originates from the idea of a group of players "raiding" a dungeon or other game location to defeat powerful enemies and secure valuable loot. In earlier MMORPGs, raids were often physical dungeons within the game world, but with the evolution of technology and game design, they have also come to include largescale battles on open terrains, virtual realms, and more.


Organizing a 40person raid can be a daunting task due to the sheer number of players involved. It requires careful planning, leadership, communication, and teamwork. Here's how such a raid typically unfolds:

1、Raid Lead and Team Organization: A raid lead, often an experienced player, organizes the raid and assigns roles to each member. This might include tanks (players who can absorb a lot of damage), healers (who keep other players alive), and DPS (Damage Per Second) classes who deal out damage.

2、Loot System: MMORPGs usually have a loot system where defeated enemies drop items. In a 40person raid, there might be specific rules about who gets what loot, often based on class or role, roll of the dice (RNG random number generation), or predetermined loot tables.

3、Communication: Voice chat programs like Discord or ingame chat systems are crucial for realtime communication during a raid. Players need to quickly convey information about enemy abilities, positioning, and tactical changes.


4、Preparation: Before attempting a raid, players often need to gather consumable items like potions, food buffs, and other enhancements. Gear optimization is also essential for survival and performance.

5、Learning Mechanics: Each raid has unique mechanics that must be learned and executed by the team. These can include avoiding deadly traps, dealing with multiple bosses simultaneously, or solving puzzles.

6、Practice Runs: Successfully completing a 40person raid often involves several practice attempts, known as "pulls," to get everyone familiar with the strategy and to work out any kinks in the plan.

7、Execution: On the day of the raid, everything needs to come together. The raid lead will guide the team through each encounter, making adjustments as necessary to ensure success.

8、Rewards: Upon successful completion of a raid, players are typically rewarded with experience points, ingame currency, rare equipment, achievements, and sometimes even exclusive titles or mounts.

9、PostMortem Analysis: After the raid, teams often discuss what went well and what could be improved for next time. This includes reviewing performance metrics and individual contributions.

In conclusion, a 40person raid in an MMORPG is a significant undertaking that brings together a large community of players for a shared goal. It serves not only as a challenge but also as a social event that fosters camaraderie among participants. The complexity and rewards of these raids are major draws for those seeking the ultimate gaming experience in online multiplayer environments.

标签: 副本 英文 40人
